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The Forwardly Five: December

#1. This group.

Forwardly had the privilege to present at the Atlanta Wellness Professionals' quarterly meeting. The topic? Love, Divorce, and the Bottom Line: Why Supporting Relationship Health is Good for Business. The AWP is a fantastic group of wellbeing professionals who are clearly passionate about what they do.

#2. This response.

100% of attendees said the strength of an employee’s relationship at home (from happily married to divorced) has a significant impact on their health, wellbeing, and productivity at work.

#3. This Insight.

In this super-interactive session, we gained key insights, such as:

There’s a disconnect between perception and reality when it comes to how leaders and employees address relationship issues. Most HR professionals feel their company culture is supportive of employees facing relationship challenges or divorce. Yet studies show 62% of employees going through relationship struggles at home don’t tell their employer.

One attendee summed it up: “There’s a stigma around divorce, just like there used to be around mental health.”

#4. This Quote.

“I got divorced, and despite my wellness know-how, it took a year to heal. I needed help. There was nothing like Forwardly available to me.”

- AWP Attendee

#5. This Takeaway.

Despite the fact that so many people are going through relationship strain, and that divorce is the #2 life stressor after death of a spouse, employees are still reluctant to talk about this major life event at work.

As one attendee put it: “Employees stay silent at work because they doubt employers will help. Why bring it up without a workplace solution?”

Forwardly specializes in holistic relationship support for employees, empowering managers and teams to enhance productivity, retention, and morale.

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